
In 2023, UCU Glasgow voted in favour of an annual donations pot and to publish a list of all agreed donations annually. For the 2023 – 24 academic year, the initial donation pot was agreed at £2,200. The amount will be revisited at the 2024 AGM.

If you are UCU Glasgow member and would like to propose a motion to donate money to a cause, please read the guidelines below.

So far (April 2024) the following donations have been made:

  • £200 to #WeAreAllSue campaign (April GM)
  • £250 to Goldsmiths UCU (April GM)
  • £150 to Royal Society of Arts strike (February AGM)
  • £100 to Muhammad Waris (February AGM)
  • £250 to UCU Aberdeen over Modern Languages cuts (January GM)
  • £300 to UHI UCU branch over strikes and job cuts (October GM)
  • £300 to UCU Brighton over redundancies (October GM)
  • £300 to EIS City of Glasgow college over redundancies (October GM)
  • £300 save Black History studies at Chichester University campaign (October GM)
  • £400 to EIS City of Glasgow college over redundancies (June AGM)
  • £300 to UCU University of East Anglia Branch over threatened job cuts (June AGM)

Running total: £2,850

If you have any questions about this, please contact

Donation guidelines for members

  • All proposals to make a donation must be made as motions to a General Meeting.
  • Like any other motion, you need a proposer and a seconder for your motion.  
  • Your motion should be no more than 150 words.  
  • If your motion is about an affiliation, rather than a donation, please specifically state if it is an annual affiliation fee, or a one-off payment.  
  • Submit your motion to including a link to the organisation you’d like to support, as well as bank account details – we cannot donate via crowdfunder/justgiving.  
  • The UCU Glasgow rules state that donations should be to charities or other bodies whose objects are consistent with those of the Branch.
  • These are our current suggestions for the size of donation:  
    • UCU Branch – £250 
    • Other trade union branch – £150  
    • Community organisation – £100