This will be a hybrid meeting, Sir Charles Wilson 101A in person.
There will be soup after the General Meeting, available for free to all members.
Please email to receive online joining details.
This will be a hybrid meeting, Sir Charles Wilson 101A in person.
There will be soup after the General Meeting, available for free to all members.
Please email to receive online joining details.
HSWC is responsible for keeping under review the measures taken to ensure the effective management of the H&S of employees, as well as that of students, visitors and other people who could be affected by the various work activities of the University. More info here:
This meeting is an opportunity to discuss University policies, and allow for input from all trade unions, meeting typically once every two months.
Though non-contractual policy does not require union consultation, in the spirit of good workplace relations we are consulted on all new policy and revisions to old policy.
At earlier stages in the process, draft policies are not in a position to be widely spread, but UCU will seek broad input from the membership via email on issues they may have with the existing policy, in order to shape our negotiations. Members wishing to be more closely involved even at an early stage may contact reps at any point.
Once draft policies are in a position to be released to the membership, they will be sent out via email for members’ approval before reps make any final decision.
Who typically attends on behalf of UCU: Jenny Morrison and Duncan Lowther
University Court is the governing body of the University, and has ultimate responsibility for the deployment of resources in the University and for the strategic plans of the institution. Court meets five times a year, more info here:
Who typically attends on behalf of UCU: Richard Reeve
This is the main consultative forum between Senior Management and the four campus trade unions, meeting typically once per semester.
The agenda is determined in consultation between all attendees, with subgroups formed for more specific negotiations.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 919 6436 4285
Please email for any queries.
The University and College Union Glasgow (UCUG) is deeply disappointed and outraged by the decision of the University of Glasgow not to divest from the arms industry. The ongoing Israeli genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza is a warning of what investment in the arms industry entails.
The university acknowledges their decision was taken in spite of the fact that a clear majority of staff and students responding to a consultation exercise backed divestment from arms. In disregarding the views of thousands of staff and students, as well as of their representative organisations, University Court makes a mockery of democratic process at the University as well as undermining its commitment to socially responsible investment.
Our position remains as ever unchanged: full divestment from the arms industry. We stand in solidarity with staff and students who have campaigned on this issue and share the anger expressed by many at the university’s decision. We will continue to engage our members and work alongside student groups, the Student’s Representative Council, our sister campus unions and the Rector of the university, Dr Ghassan Abu-Sittah.